A Danger in the Night
9/11/2019 (Permalink)
A silent and deadly threat in any home in today's society would be carbon monoxide. An odorless, tasteless and colorless gas that has the potential to take your life as you sleep. Carbon monoxide stems from multiple sources, such as fuel burning appliances, fireplaces, wood burners, water heaters and space warmers. Having at least one carbon monoxide detector in your home can life saving. When installing your detector, place near bedrooms and or on the main floor. Do not place your alarm near windows or open space. Also do not install too closely to any appliance that may trigger a false reading. Be sure to always inspect your CO monitor and ensure it is in working condition. Early symptoms of CO poisoning can be mistaken for the flu, such as nausea and headache which progress quickly. Carbon Monoxide is a silent threat, but with the right tools and preparation, you have nothing to fear