Toss it in the trash: Items to remove after a fire
8/29/2019 (Permalink)
There are an innumerable amount of items, big and small, that get the brunt end of fire damage. But there are also items you may be unsure about. Canned food that has been exposed to heat may been safe, but its quite the opposite. Having been exposed to heat, bacteria had the opportunity to grow and amplify. Discard any perishable and non perishable food items in your home. The smoke and toxic chemicals may have tainted its quality. It is better to be safe than sorry. Cosmetics and medications follow closely behind. Having the ability to absorb toxins from the air, it is important to discard these items. Most obviously is to remove and discard any items that have been directly burned or has the remnants of soot. Nothing is worth risking your health.